David Crooke (1974)
Published on: 21 October 2015
David Crooke (1974) was pictured with the Headmaster when he dropped into school on 22 September from NSW. David is planning a move back to Perth in June 2016 having worked as a doctor in intensive care, anaesthetics and pain medicine on the eastern seaboard for many years. He has postgraduate qualifications in biomedical engineering (UNSW) with computing science and much health system database experience. Despite the wonders of technology David finds his Arts degree, majoring in Philosophy, to be one of his most important qualifications. 12 years part-time study towards that BA was especially worthwhile as philosophy of science is very important in understanding cause-effect relations in disease processes and in doing scientific research and healthcare statistical computing. David is investigating opportunities in Perth concerning pain medicine, applied philosophy, health data systems and science research including data science and programming.