Message from the Principal
Published on: 23 February 2017
The centenary of the OBA will be celebrated with a number of events and I look forward to meeting many of you throughout the year. The partnership between the School and the OBA has been incredibly beneficial over the past 100 years. The Association is dedicated to creating opportunities for all old boys to stay connected. It also works very closely with the Alumni office to conduct reunions and create events that add value to the lives of our current students. I encourage you to participate in as many events as possible this year in celebration of this momentous occasion.
Achievement of our most recent old boys
In January we announced our 2016 academic results. The cohort performed incredibly well, evidenced by the median ATAR score of 92.35 which is well above the State median of 80.85.
Achievements included:
- 9 General Exhibition winners
- 2 students achieved an ATAR of 99.95
- 25 Certificates of Excellence
- 2 Subject Exhibitions
- 51 Certificates of Distinction
- 36 Certificates of Merit
This result is possible due to the commitment of our students, teaching staff, parents and the wider community.
Alan Jones