Seb Ewing (2010) and friend Dan Robertson started to make bow ties due to a lack of proper bow ties available in Perth. In 2014, after friends continuously asked if they could buy their bow ties, Seb decided to start a business called Freelance Bow Ties. Seb was instantly hooked on learning how to run a business. He learnt skills in marketing, web design and sales pitching, on top of learning how to sew.
A big aim for Seb is to keep his bow ties entirely made in Perth and to this end, is sourcing materials locally. He said, “It is scary how few clothes are available that are not made in sweatshops around Asia. We sold around 200 bow ties in 2014 and are hoping to increase that to 1,000 in 2015 through securing retail contracts with various independent fashion stores around Perth, as well as sponsoring various balls and charity events throughout the year”.